Saturday, October 21, 2006

Cameron makes long posts

I've been bumped off the first 1o pages of the blog with Cameron's megaposts, so here I am bumping my life to the top of the heap. I was moving all the time with my Mom here, we did lots of shopping, some touristy things and my Mom tried to teach me how to knit.

Most of the shopping was done at Bayers Lake, the big box store part of town. My most expensive purchase was an external (USB) TV tuner for my computer to take advantage of the cable that comes included with my room. I can also record with the included software and even burn DVDs of TV shows if I want. I also did some regular shopping, picking up some new shoes and some TP. My apartment is well-outfitted now as well, after having picked up some extra strong fridge magnets from Lee Valley, a compost bucket, a vegetable peeler and a pepper grinder.

The knitting is going alright. I'm basing that on the fact that my Mom says I'm doing well but I don't really have a clue what to do. I can continue with the algorithm she gave me, but I won't actually be able to turn my wool napkin looking thing into a slipper.

My Mom returned safely home on Wednesday, then all was quiet. Until Thursday, on which Rebecca's Dad and his posse arrived for Rebecca's convocation. Last night we hit Bayers lake again and we went out to "Rebecca's convocation dinner".


Cameron said...

How about spacing them posts out?

I am in a state similar to your pre-TP purchase. Hopefully I remember to pick some up tonight.

Cameron said...

I am glad to hear about your knitting adventures. I tried to learn when I was about 10 but it just did not stick. It seems nice to be able to produce one's own clorthing, or dish rags.