Monday, October 23, 2006

A Few Quick Notes 3

-For the past few days I have been reading a biography of Thomas de Quincey. It is my understanding that he wrote one of the first drug/addiction memoirs. It was my initial intention just to read his most famous work, Confessions of an Opium Eater, but I picked up a biography that was near the original work on the shelf. So far I am about a third of the way through the biography and Mr. de Quincey has just picked up his nasty habit. Having read some of Mr. H. S. Thompson’s work it will be interesting to see what addiction looks like coming from the perspective of someone from the early 19th century.

-On Sunday one of my classmates had a brunch-type affair at her apartment on Sunday. Aside from the fact that it was quite pleasant, I was glad to take the opportunity to talk to some people in my class that I had not yet met. I also enjoyed my conversation/s with Maya’s husband, Walter. This visit led me to believe that many people in my class actually have living rooms. Maybe next year I will be able to move up in the world, this is more likely if I am willing to allow myself a bit more of a commute.

-As I mentioned earlier, some game testing went on yesterday. Today I hope to pick up some proper equipment and give the game design some more thought. Maybe in a few days I will be ready for the game test that should be happening with Nithum. The best option would be with Nithum, Val, myself, and a fourth player. So if you are in Montreal and looking to play a new, semi-formed game let me know.

-This week is study week for me. Ah, that is wonderful. I think that I will be sleeping in tomorrow.

-A few days ago I purchased some more Hek beer. It seems that this beer is sold by % alc. My initial purchase was of a doz. of 4.9%, I have now moved up to 6.2%, though I think it am actually more a fan of the weaker beer, as this just tastes of more alc.

-Writing at least 500 words seems like a worthy goal for this post so I will do my best to get there.

-Since I have started writing this blog I have noticed that I have started writing in 300 word, or less, increments. In some regards this is quite nice. Get to the point and get out. In others it is lacking, particularly in cases where I would like to develop an argument. I fear that I am losing my ability to go beyond the “new normal.” Maybe this will mean that I will have to plan a few longer, prose based posts.

-Cataloging is priority number 1 for studying today. Unfortunately, this has been the course that has been left behind so that the needs for other courses can be met (501). From my discussions with others in my classes, it seems that this has been the norm. This seems unfortunate as this is a course in which output will be improved my practice, experience, and familiarity.

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