Sunday, October 08, 2006

My holiday weekend so far

My weekend started off on a high note by passing in my NSERC application. Rebecca and I then went to see Trailer Park Boys: The Move at Park Lane. It was well worth it, especially considering we used a 2 for 1 coupon. The two worst aspects of the movie were the rehashing of basic story lines (which I understand was necessary) and the new actor that played Trinity (but I guess you can't expect good acting from 10 year-olds in crude movies). Afterwards we went to the Thirsty Duck on Spring Garden Rd. I had the two-pattied lamb burger for $9 and Rebecca had the Spring Garden Salad with chicken. The service was very fast so we were only there for about 30 minutes, in which time Andrew and his girlfriend came in.

At 4:30 I got up to walk Rebecca up to the Lord Nelson to catch the Airporter. There were 5 people already waiting when we got there, many of whom turned out to be on Rebecca's flight. I then returned to Fenwick where I slept until 2:30. The afternoon filled itself up pretty well culminating in buttermilk pancakes for breakfast at 7:30. At this point I didn't have much time to get ready and visit the NSLC before going to Andrew's for a party, but I made it there (with my Carling Black Label) about the same time other people were showing up. The crowd was almost exclusively Newfoundlanders, some of which knew Cameron (e.g. Luke Gaulton says "Hi"). The party was good. Just about as good as the 12 hours of sleep I had after I got home.

I went to Dominion this afternoon to find that much more of their store is open on Sunday (compared to Sobeys). For those of you who don't know, half of Sobeys has plastic and caution tape over it (so that it is 'closed') for purposes of abiding by provincial Sunday shopping laws. I also found salsa that is low in sodium at reasonable price (President's Choice of course).

Now I'm off to get a jump on next week's assignments.


Cameron said...

I am going to guess that Carling Black Label is the cheapest beer in Halifax? The funny part is that it is the cheapest here too. I actually tried to buy some last night but the store had sold out so I had to settle for Hek, a Quebec product that was on sale?

Do I know Andrew?

Neil said...

Andrew is Andrew Bartlett. Which explains why his roommate, Luke Gaulton, was at the party.

Anonymous said...

Oh Neil I have to tell you that Saturday night me and Dave did the exact same thing with a 2 for 1 ticket, Trailer Park Boys. And I too thought that 10 year old girl was a sucky actor.