Tuesday, October 17, 2006


With my Mom in town I've been busy, but I did convince both her and Rebeccca to squeeze in a game of Settlers tonight. It was really close, with my Mom in charge for most of the game. In the end I pulled out the win having 5 settlements, longest road and 3 victory points. Also of note is that Rebecca played with purple pieces for the first time; I only received them when my Mom came.

Also very enjoyable this evening was the Jalapeno (there's no eñe because I pronounce it like Ricky from TPB) beer from Garrison breweries. It has all the flavour of beer and of jalapeños.

I should post a little more after my Mom goes, as I've been spending more time "on the go".


Cameron said...

Did you hear about the yellow pieces?

It has been a while since I have played, though I do own a copy of the game. Getting that third person can be the tricky part. Maybe my purchase of the 5-6 player expansion was unwise.

Anonymous said...

There will come a day when you can play with 5-6 people, and you will be happy to have the expansion.

I also have trouble finding people to play wiht, especially since a lot of my other friends don't play board games, and if they do, they don't play the good german ones.

Jess doesn't like the good german ones.

Neil said...

I haven't heard about the yellow pieces. Dad gave me some purple pieces though, which I let Rebecca use.

Cameron said...

I quite like 3 and 5 player games because there is a little bit more room for growth. The burns can definately be better in the 4 and 6 player games when one is able to completely cut a person off.

The yellow pieces are like the purple one except that Dad purchased them for himself.