Saturday, October 14, 2006

Mac people

I own a Dell and I use a Windows machine at school. At MUN I used Linux a bit. I've never really used a Mac. Some people have Macs as well as other computers. However, it seems that when someone owns a Mac they become a "Mac person" (or that they were already). Being a Mac person means that they can meet new people only to discover that the other person is a Mac owner and sigh with a sense of relief that someone else knows Macs are better. This is a little overstated, but it is something I have observed. Most interestingly it doesn't matter that the Mac owner might also own 6 Windows machines. It seems Mac is the dominant gene in people's computer preference.

I was really tired today. It's hard to believe I went through the whole thing without sleeping in class or at work. I have a little break now called the weekend. Hopefully I'll get a little jump on my Measure Theory assignment so next week will be more relaxed. It's late here, I'm off to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your comments are fair. There is a general sense in the Mac communtiy that we are somehow better than those who use wintel machines exclusively. We don't have a problem with linux users. OS X runs on a Unix core, and so linux users are kind of like, distant cousins. Or something like that.

I will admit that I do occasionally berate a windows user with Apple retoric. But normally I attempt to be non-partisan on the matter.

I don't know why a lot of mac users feel the need to make sure everyone knows they own a mac, and why it's better than any "win-doze" computer. There's something about these silver or white boxes that invoke the self-righteousness in people.

But really, I do attempt to be helpful if someone asks for my opininon on what computer they should buy. I ask them what they want to use it for. I only berate my good friends when they ask me such questions. If I think a windows PC would be better for someone, I will tell them to get a windows computer.

In the end though, we should all buy Apple Computers ;)