Sunday, October 29, 2006

Halloween Party at Thomson House

The Thomson House Halloween party seemed to go pretty well. From my vantage point it also seemed quite full, I guess most of the 600 people that purchased tickets likely did show up at some point during the evening.

For the duration of the party I was posted to the bar in the basement. This meant that for the first hour and a half or so after the party started that we didn't really have to do anything, as no one seemed to be able to locate our bar. Gradually, as the upper floors filled up our section took off. Because of the late start I only had about 3 hours or less of solid bussing, which was not bad at all. Much of the work was also reduced by the use of plastic pint and shot glasses.

We were also lucky on the keg front. We had very few to change throughout the evening. Much of this was due not to luck but the precautions that we had taken the night before in ensuring that all kegs in use would be full.

It took a while for us to get people out, but for the most part things started to wrap up at 2:00. I had been fearful that it would ooze over until 3:00 or 3:30, which would mean a very late start to my evening's sleep.

Once people had cleared out we were able to survey the damage. There was crap everywhere. Many of the decorations were all over the floor, beer and drinks had been spilled, and there was other garbage everywhere. Fortunately for me there is a cleaning staff that was faced with this task and I was able to head out and be home and in bed by 4:00.

Note: Last night I met to young women from Newfoundland, St. John's to be exact. Nithum seemed interested in figuring out who they were.

The details that I have are that they studied psychology and linguistics and graduated in May. They are now in masters programs here at McGill.

They seem to have been at Stephen's New Year's party last January.

A friend of theirs went on a few dates with Jon Montes (during university).

One of their names is Laura(The one that was at the party).

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