Saturday, October 21, 2006


Yesterday started of normally enough, I had my normal 9:00 AM class, followed by a lab at 1:00 PM. Immediately after the lab is when things began to change a little. Instead of going home, as would be normal for me, I met my father and headed out with him for the few hours that he was in town.

When we eventually headed out to get some food it was raining heavily. Normally this wouldn’t be such a big deal. The problem was that we had chosen a rather bad time to go out, approximately 3:00 PM. It seems that most restaurants are closed at this time. We most have gone to four or five at continually further distances before we found a little Thai place on St. Laurent that both looked ok and was open.

After our tasty, and inexpensive meal, we returned to my place on our way to Thomson House, a place that my father had wanted to see last time he was in town but was able to because it was closed. This time it was not closed and we were able to have a nice visit. At about 5:45 I switched into work mode and my father headed out, on his way back the airport, and eventually Vancouver.

Much of the night proceeded rather normally. It wasn’t supper busy but eventually began to pick up. It also turned out that the 3rd floor ballroom was to be home to the Queer McGill Homo Coming, which would be ending at 3:00 AM, an hour after our usual closing time. This information was kept in the back of my head, though I wasn’t exactly sure how it would effect me.

A while later we learned that the Harvard Rugby team would be showing up with some MBA students. Would cultures clash? Turns out they did not.

The night was pretty normal, just a bit longer than usual. I didn’t get out until 4:00 AM this morning.

1 comment:

Neil said...

I can't believe you were giving me a hard time about spacing out my posts.