Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Today, my Mom arrives for a week's stay in Halifax. Part of reason for her visit is because my Aunt Carol, my Mom's sister, and Uncle Fred are in town on a cruise tomorrow. I should have lots planned for us to do, but I don't.

On my way home I went to Sobeys to pick up some oranges for my Mom to have with breakfast. When I was there I remember I had a coupon in my pocket from yesterday where I was over-charged ($4.69 instead of $3.99) for some Raisin Bran Crunch (that had a coupon on the inside). So I went to the customer service desk, showed them my receipt and was reimbursed $4.69; the best part is I checked out with the other employee while I was waiting.

To save on cooking time (so that I could use it for blogging and cleaning) I decided to try the Lebanese restaurant across the street call Tarboosh. I really like the name. I took the recommendation of the employee on what to have. It was very tasty and a bit slower than I would have thought, but obviously cooked to order. If I go again I'll have the Tarboosh platter with two skewers, which I think is probably tastier and a better value. Also good was that it wasn't spicy at all, so Rebecca might even like it.

I tried to internet as soon as I got back, but was foiled by the McAfee that Dal requires for access to their network. I guess fortunately, I'd had the same problem in July (which at the time took me about 3 hours to fix with the help of the computer support guy), and I was able to replicate our work this time in about 5 minutes.

That's my story today so far. Now I'm off to prepare for my mother.

1 comment:

Neil said...

Fortunately, I had my LaTeXed schedule on my door, so Justin found me in the Learning Centre in the basement.