Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Don't (Rawlins) Cross me

As I approached this evening's Rawlins Cross concert I heard the band lay into Colleen, the song that I think of when I think of Rawlins Cross. I made it into the concert area proper to catch the end of the song.

[Embedded video]

Almost immediately thereafter I was treated to a rendition of Wild Rose, another of the Rawlins Cross songs that reminds me of my childhood.

[Embedded video]

Much to my surprise, Sean Panting (AKA Walter) was performing with the band. Though for much of the concert he was just performing away, he eventually really started throwing his body into it and rocking out.

[Embedded video]

Though my mother suggested that I go back stage and talk to Ian McKinnon (and re-introduce myself) I opted to just leave after the show. Trying to wangle my way backstage didn't seem particularly wise or something that was likely to succeed.

Anyway, tomorrow night I will be heading back to Parade Square for Old Man Luedecke's concert, the last concert of this series that I will be attending.

Cameron 51
Neil 0

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