Sunday, February 13, 2011

Voter Turnout in Canada

This afternoon I have been doing some reading about parliamentary reform and the 'democratic deficit.' One of the authors drew attention to the declining rates of voter turnout that we have been witnessing in recent years throughout much of the Western world since WWII.

While it is pretty clear that we have seen something of a drop in voter turnout in Canada over the past few elections. But I was curious what the picture looked like if we went back to to 1867, would the decline look as significant?

Source: Elections Canada.

So if we go back to 1867 and look at turnout from this point forward it looks as though the drop is not quite as significant as if we decide to start looking at turnout in 1950s. Maybe instead of just looking at the decline we have seen from the all-time high era we might also consider trying to figure out why we saw an increase in this era.

Cameron 35
Neil 0

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