Monday, February 28, 2011

Fire up the ol' blogger (AKA my blogger was broken)

So not much is new with respect to blogging. I was briefly listed as a contributer on Doyle Pitches, but I removed myself after an exhausting 11 or so days of not contributing.

I've been told recently (about a month ago) that there's also a blog-off here at Montifax. Cameron sneakily holds these competitions with so little notice that it is hard to find time to come up with ideas. (Author's note: I'm not good with counting or ideas.) On a related topic, I think I should clarify that only posts that have the label "competitions" will be counted in the blog-off. The score below may be corrected upon review of previous posts this month.

Cameron 62?
Neil 5


Cameron said...


It's hardly a surprise event - they always happen for the month of February.

Donald McKay said...

Good to see you back on Montifax!