Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Picking up steam?

This afternoon I was interviewed by a Telegram reporter about Doyle Pitches. Two weeks ago, or whenever it was that we started Doyle Pitches, I couldn't have imagined this development. The idea that there would be any media interest in this endeavour would have seemed as crazy as having the Halliday's guy look after a stolen horse being hidden in a house across from the aforementioned meat market.

I guess we now just have to wait and see how this all plays out. I will keep you updated if I hear anything else on this subject.

Oh, and the Doyle Pitches Twitter account now has 31 followers, up from 18 yesterday.

Cameron 27
Neil 0


Kathy said...

Exciting times!

Cameron said...

I guess that is one way of putting it.

I am now just kind of curious what a story about Doyle Pitches might say.