Wednesday, February 04, 2009

A Few Quick Notes 268

-While a major storm was predicted to hit Halifax yesterday it seems that that isn't quite how things played out. While we did have some snow, and eventually a few ice pellets, things didn't ever really it up to what I would call a storm (though at times it certainly was unpleasant). After a few periods of flurries this morning things seem to have really become quite nice today, which is good.

-I had my second lecture of the term this morning. While I felt it went pretty well I am having a hard time sensing what the students thought about the experience.

-It seems that Neil is now claiming that his continued failure to post in the blog-off is to let me "build up a false sense of security," the suggestion that he will swoop in with a few last minute posts in the dying days or hours or February. I can say that I believe him, but it should also be known that I have expected such behaviour from the beginning, thus the daily posts since the beginning of the blog-off. Though his track record would suggest that he can typically out-strategerize me in competitive settings, I don't think that it will be possible in this instance (not to say that I don't think that it is possible for him to win given that the competition is stacked in his favour).

-Sunday's turkey has left us rather left-over turkey rich. Yesterday we had turkey noodle soup. Today we are having turkey pot-pie. Tomorrow I will probably have a turkey sandwich or two for lunch. I presume that by the time we finish off the turkey I will be ready for at least a week or so off from turkey.

-Much to my surprise, the corn that I planted in my bedroom in September is still alive and kicking. Not only has it managed to live through the winter thus far, it has seemingly thrived.

The thyme and banana plant also seem to be doing relatively well given the growing conditions. The beans, while they have managed to hang on through the winter, really don't look that good. I imagine that in a few days I will have to chop them down and start again (this time with Scarlett Runner beans).

-I realize now that in my last post I should not have used the term 'jurisdiction' as metropolitan areas are not jurisdictions in the traditional sense of the word. Actually, that they are not 'jurisdictions' kind of puts them in the situation they find themselves in, which is not a single municipal or regional government can speak for the region. This division of authority seems to undercut their demands for increased authority as it would likely mean more disparate policies in a small geographic region, potentially reducing efficiency rather than enhancing it (though surely there are arguments against such a position).

Anyway, terminology aside, the issue of the role of municipalities/metropolitan areas in Canada is still on my mind, the creation of the previously posted list didn't really do much to ease the tension.

Cameron: 5
Neil: 0

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