Saturday, February 28, 2009

Live blog: Blog-off 9

Well it seems that Neil made it back from his meal at a much earlier hour than I expected. Not surprisingly, he managed to crank out another post without too much effort. This gap in our point totals might be insurmountable for me at this stage. I really don't think that I can dedicate the next thirty minutes to almost constant posting, particularly when one or two more from Neil would blow me out of the water.

We may have to re-work the rules a little next year now that we know that Neil is able to post on a semi-regular basis, even if he choses not to most of the time.

Cameron: 42
Neil: 45


Neil said...

I see, now you're slighting me by omitting the : before my score.

Cameron said...

Fixed. Sorry, it was a typhographical error.