Sunday, February 15, 2009

Pineapple Juice

A few days ago Neil and I remembered that canned pineapple juice used to exist, and were wondering if it still did exist. When we discussed the topic we both wondered whether it tasted like we remembered it tasted, or whether time had given it a more favourable place in our memories than it deserved.

Shortly after our conversation Neil happened to be at the store and find that canned pineapple juice was on sale, so he picked up a can.

Yesterday we tapped into the can, as you can see below, and were pleasantly surprised with what we found. Both of us think that it may actually be better than we remembered. We ended up killing off the entire can by the end of the night.

[Embedded Video]

Cameron: 18
Neil: 0


Kathy said...

I did not get to see the consumption. Where is the proof it was so good? (I see you did not have my favorite brand.)

Cameron said...

The proof is that I am telling you, I guess you just have to trust me that I wouldn't lie about something like this.

Kathy said...

I guess I can trust you.

Cameron said...

I guess that is good to hear. I am a little saddened that you trust wasn't a little more naturally forthcoming.