Friday, February 27, 2009

A Few Quick Notes 277

-Today seemed pretty nice, though I didn't have chance to make it outside to experience it in person until after 11:00 PM tonight.

-While doing some research earlier this evening I happened to come across a blog called Lords of the Blog. It seems that the contributors to this blog are Peers and that it is updated on a relatively regular basis. I was somewhat surprised to find such a blog, I know I would have a hard time imagining that Canadian or American Senators participating in such a venture.

The blog links to a number of blogs of other British politicians, including the mayor of London, and former Conservative MP, Boris Johnson. I am much less surprised to see that Boris Johnson has a blog, though I was surprised to see how frequently he posts. I would have imagined that being the Mayor of a major European city would have slowed his blogging down to nothing more than a trickle, though this doesn't seem to be the case.

-Several moments prior to coming upon the previously mentioned blogs, I happened to be looking through the House of Lords Hansard from March 22, 2004 when I came across the following quote from Lord Peston

"in the committees that I have chaired or been a member of, that we proceed by consensus. I have never chaired a committee in which I have allowed a vote. Of course, I do not believe in votes anyway, I believe in reason."

I was a little surprised to learn that Lord Peston was a Labour peer, and that he is a life peer rather than a hereditary peer.

-A few minutes ago I had to make a late night trip to the grocery store to pick up some Fisherman's Friend throat lozenges. Based on the degree that this first was has given me I am starting to wonder why I didn't make the the trip earlier today. Unfortunately, I am not really starting to feel out of it. I guess I should probably try to get some sleep soon.

-A few days ago I started reading Alligator by Lisa Moore (I found this author profile by an acquaintance of mine). So far, which is about 100 pages, I am quite impressed. It has kind of put me in the mood to read more Newfoundland fiction. As I have Percy Janes' House of Hate and Michael Winter's The Big Why I should be set for some time, if this the reading path I chose to take. An alternate path would be to acquire the third book in Evenlyn Waugh's Sword of Honour trilogy, Unconditional Surrender, and finish that set of books off.

Cameron: 32
Neil: 1

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