Monday, February 01, 2010

Hey, Neil, eat my dust!

As some of you may have noticed by now, Neil, the reigning champion, seems to be a bit of a laggard as far as this year's blog-off is concerned. I am presuming that if I badger him and call him out enough he will eventually engage and try to beat me. I think it is pretty safe to say that his talk of strategy is all bluff.

I do hope that he realizes that he may have to try a little harder this year. He no longer has the generous 5 to 1 advantage that he had last year. He may actually need to put a little effort into this competition if he actually wants to win (which I am quite sure he does).

All of this being said, to be able to beat his 3 to 1 scoring advantage I am really going to pump out quite a number of posts (my goal is at leas three a day). Unfortunately, some of them, like this one, may be more fluff than content (though I will do my best to avoid more than one or two of these a day).

Anyway, Neil, the car has passed and then net is back in place, and the other kids have shouted "game on."

Blog-off Score

Neil: 0
Cameron: 4

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