Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Bean There, Done That

Today I did it again. I started to cook a bean dish without even thinking about what I was doing. I should know that I can’t cook beans.

Anyway, I ended up giving it a try. This time the dish was to be based on boiled black beans, a dish I first tried this summer when it was prepared for me by a Brazilian guest.

After several hours of boiling things started looking up. I started to get the consistency I was looking for.

It seems that I have finally had some degree of success while cooking with beans. It is about time.

The other good thing, aside from the flavour and texture, is the fact that I will now have leftovers for a while.

As I am obviously in a cooking mood and today is the day of the American mid-term elections, I thought that I would post a recipe that I created a while ago. The recipe was inspired by the current Secretary of State, you might be able to figure out this is when you look at the title of the dish.

Condolezza Rice

-A caramelized rice dessert

2/3-cup butter
1-cup brown sugar
1 shot rum or to taste
3 cups cooked basmati rice
Thickening agent of preparers choice (corn starch, gelatin, etc.)
Butter for greasing pan

Melt butter in pan over medium to low heat. When butter is fully melted add brown sugar over, still over medium heat. Bring this liquid to a boil for close to ten minutes. Add the rum and boil for about 7 minutes. Reduce heat to low and add the cooked rice to the sugar/rum mixture and boil to desired consistency (doughy). Remove from heat and add thickening agent. Pour into greased loaf pan; press down to ensure proper loaf shape. Place in fridge for several hours to set. Once loaf as set turn onto platter, slice and serve.

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