Thursday, November 16, 2006

A Few Quick Notes 17

-For the first time in months I was unable to get a free weekday Gazette at the gym. I am not sure if they have finally wrapped up the promotion or if I arrived after they had all been distributed. My hope is that I was a bit late. The evidence that I have to back this up is that the distribution stands are still there, just as they have been for the past few months.

-The dark, overcast weather continues in Montreal. Oddly, it is reasonably warm.

-It is always nice to have a little bit of string. Many I have been looking for just a few feet of string and been unable to find it.

-Last night at Thomson House it was wondered if “Chuck-Tony” would be an acceptable Anglicization of Charles-Antoine (a TA of ours). I think one could have a bit of fun with double names in the same form as the one previously mentioned, one could go back and forth between English and several other languages.

-For those of you following the Grey Cup you may be aware that the Allouettes have made the game. Some of you may find this surprising because they had such a dismal record during the regular season. I am one of those individuals. Does every team in the CFL make the playoffs? If it is not every team it must be almost every team.

-After class today I needed to speak to the professor about an upcoming project. As we started to talk I could see that he was looking to at my shirt and trying to figure out what it said. Was the symbol a clover leaf, he asked. No, I said, it is a club. It clicked, he then figured out that my shirt, with the use of pictograms, said “I club baby seals.” He then laughed a hearty laugh.

-Some of you may have heard that a Russian spy was arrested in Montreal on Tuesday. This is rather amazing. We don’t hear about too much spying these days. What is odder is that much of the details read like classic spy novels, things that I had believed were exaggerated to say the least.

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