Saturday, November 11, 2006

Newfoundland Reunion

Last night seemed to be Newfoundland night at Thomson House. Within just a few hours I had identified four people that were either from Newfoundland or had attended Memorial.

As I am not one that normally seeks out residents of my home province I was somewhat surprised by the evenings findings.

The most impressive element was that a former classmate from High School was there with someone that I had met while at Harlow in 2002. They had also meet at Harlow and met again for the first time last night.

While the Newfoundland love-in was going on I started to ask a few questions about our union. What I learned quickly is that we are not one happy union family. Several staff members are very pro-union, for particular reasons. Other members of staff don’t really care and don’t exactly understand why we are unionized.

Some of these issues are likely to be brought up at the union meeting tomorrow. One of the most important issues may be whether or not we will remain unionized, as we haven’t even been able to sign a collective agreement so far.


Neil said...

Can we get some names? I'm pretty sure you were leaving them out on purpose, but I for one would like to know who it was that you ran into.

Cameron said...

Heidi Matthews was the person with whom I attended high school. She is now nearing the completion of a law degree at McGill.

Laura was another, I met her at the Halloween party.

Ed, he did his masters at MUN and taught there for a few years. He is now at McGill.

Michele (don't know the precise spelling of his name) was at MUN and is now doing a masters degree in engineering at McGill.

I was there to bring it all together.