Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Oh, I see. Then everything is wrapped up in a neat little package.

Only after I typed the title of this post did I realize that I saw the episode of the Simpsons from which it comes yesterday.

Now back to the main story, I got some mail today with my name on it (and also Cameron's, although his was with the return address). In an average week I get about 12 pieces of junk mail and 0.4 pieces of mail with my name on it. Today's package was from Cameron. It was a little bubble wrap Canada Post package. My first guess as to the contents was pieces for Settlers of Catan. When I opened it up and saw string I had no idea what was inside. I looked in further and saw some plastic bags, putting my mind back on Settlers mode.

To make an unnecessisarily long story slightly shorter, the parcel contained 6 purple 'knights' (for Settlers), 8 plastic bags for Settlers pieces, string, a St. Hubert chicken moist towelette, and a hand-written note dated November 1. The Settlers pieces are to go with the previous purple pieces that my Mom brought me (through my Dad) in October. I believe the plan is that I will eventually own a full set of purple pieces for the full collection of Settlers expansions. According to the letter, the plastic bags were picked up on the cheap, and that string and moist towelettes always come in handy. The letter was of course included to explain why the string and moist toweletter were included. In Cameron's defense, St. Hubert was my favorite chicken joint when the had a location on Kenmount Road in St. John's.

You can thank Cameron for this post too. He told me to post more. Seriously though, I've been pretty busy, but I'm sure all of the readers out there have been too, and I'm glad you take the time to read this (or maybe you only know Cameron and skip my stuff, that's okay).

Maybe I should just post a couple times back-2-back and then have another lull.


P.S. I'm sure there are some of you who don't know what Settlers of Catan is. I'm going to work on that and come up with a way for you to learn about Settlers of Catan and what it means to me. I promise results within 2 years.


Cameron said...

I know that I have played an online version of Settlers, though that was a few years ago. I was not very impressed as the trading element was muted because of the interface. It seems to me that this will be the big problem with any electronic version of the game.

You don't seem very pleased to have received the string, I thought it was a nice touch.

Neil said...

I'm happy with the string, just a little surprised. I think there is now a better program for playing Settlers online, and that it comes with new copies of the game. Unfortunately, the free copy is only a sample. Most importantly though, the trading is much better in that one, although still not up to the level of real life.

Cameron said...

I did not receive notification of that online version with my copy of the game. I feel cheated.