Saturday, November 25, 2006

A Few Quick Notes 23

-Tonight Nithum and I have a dinner engagement at a neighbour’s apartment. Moments ago I returned from buying the wine that I am to bring. I have a slight sense that I was hosed.

My initial goal was to buy a reasonably priced wine of good quality. I had hoped not to buy a wine with a screw-top, something that is becoming more difficult, or a wine from the US. In the end I purchased a wine with both of these characteristics, and I a touch worried about the quality. The reason for this somewhat questionable purchase is that for the first time I decided to rely entirely upon the recommendations of the liquor store staff, possibly an unwise decision.

As the time of our departure nears I am wondering what the proper etiquette for approaching a neighbour’s apartment is, do we go down to the first floor and then walk up the normal staircase at the front of the building or do we just cut across the fire escpate catwalk and arrive in about 2 seconds?

-Last night was pretty busy at work. Much of the reason for this business was because of a Salsa dance session that was held in the ballroom. This drew a fair number of individuals.

For some reason last night also seemed to have a strong focus on game playing. Throughout the night I saw 3 groups of people playing cards, a group play Scrabble, a group play Trivial Pursuit, and one of the card playing groups playing Monopoly.

-Rex Murphy’s opinion piece in today’s Globe pretty clearly sums up how I think about the Quebec/Nation issue. As stated earlier, much of this seems rush without an appropriate amount of thought having been given to the consequences of these actions.

-It is a beautiful day today, and getting warmer by the hour. When I went out for my paper this morning, a sweater was needed and just barely enough to ward of the cold. Now a very light sweater or an open light jacket would certainly be enough. On top of all of this the sun is shining and the wind not blowing.

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