Thursday, November 02, 2006

A Few Quick Notes 7

-Over the past few months the McGill library system has experienced a few changes. I have been given the impression that much of this seems to stem from a new library Director. At a talk I heard her give she seemed to confirm many of these impressions. She is very interested in the physical side of the library. New computers and chairs were a big deal. To make space for the new chairs and computers something had to give.

It turns out the reference section was what had to give. It has been decimated. Traditional, big name, reference sources have been moved out of the reference section to the stacks or to storage.

These absences have been felt intensely by the instructor and student in my reference class. Many of the sources that have been around for years have been removed, sometimes after promises of their presence.

It is striking that these items have been moved for several reasons. Firstly, it is quite clear that at least 60 individuals will be using these sources a year. That has to be more use than most other sources receive. Secondly, these are important, frequently ground breaking, reference sources that lead to major developments in the field and are still of use as retrospective work has not always been done. Thirdly, I am sure that having easy access to these sources would enhance work by researchers at McGill. Having them in the basement and available only by request is not easy access.

As McGill student newspapers would know, this issue has frequently graced the pages of the student press. It will be interesting to see if the changes, which have been largely negatively received, will cause a boiling point to be reached.

-I had the pleasure of meeting Val’s sister over lunch yesterday. It was a pleasant experience and I look forward to meeting her again.

-It seems that Lorraine Michaels won the Signal Hill-Quidi Vidi by-election.

-To be able to register for classes for next semester I have to see my advisor and have him approve my course selections. For days now I have been trying to do this. Unfortunately, every time I go he is either with someone else or away. Hopefully when I go back this afternoon I will be able to touch bases with him and get this out of the way.

-As I mentioned a few weeks ago, it has been proposed that Parc Avenue’s name will be changed to Robert Bourassa Blvd. I am officially coming out against this change. Of course, I am a bit after the boat.

Over the past few days more and more and more people are coming out against this change. Notably, many local city councilors have changed their position to now be against the change. The vote on November 27 will settle the issue.

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