Thursday, November 09, 2006

A Few Quick Notes 10

-It is raining in Montreal again. It seems as though we have had a fair bit of rain over the past few weeks.

-I have another long day of work ahead of me. These shifts are usually prefaced by long days at school.

-Ian Wilson, the head of Library and Archives Canada, will be speaking at McGill tomorrow. The downside of this event is that I will have to miss half of my lab to attend. Even though they want to maximize attendance they are unwilling to push it back by a half hour so that the full first year class can attend. I must say that I was really impressed with their logic.

-Project season here at McGill is definitely in full swing. I have a few due in the next few days and then a few more due about two weeks after that. Should be fun.

-As it is project season, I am once again drinking huge amounts of herbal tea. I would say that during a good night I can pound back 5-6 cups of the stuff. As it is, I am currently running rather low on the good stuff, and the bad stuff that I have I don’t think that I can drink. It is too bad that I didn’t take more advantage of a good herbal tea sale that took place a few weeks ago at one of the local grocery chains.

-There was a pretty funny political cartoon in the Gazette today. It showed Bush standing between Cheney and Rumsfeld. Bush was telling Rumsfeld that it would be ok, he was going to go hunting with Cheney.

-Parc Avenue seems to still be in the news here. We are just a few weeks away from the big vote. As it stands, we at Montifax, at least this humble contributor, are in support of it keeping the name Parc.

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