Thursday, November 23, 2006

Fire in Dartmouth

I'm at my desk in my apartment (see ME on the map), and I just happened to look out my window. Normally across the harbour in Dartmouth there is a small flame similar to that of the Come-by-Chance oil refinery (I think); this comparison might be good for those of you that have driven across Nfld. However, today the flame is huge and black smoke is filling the sky above Dartmouth. In fact, the light of the fire is reflecting off the water so much I can plainly see it from here (being 11 floors up helps though). The other tip-off that something is wrong is the collection of flashing lights near the base of the fire. Oh, and now the sirens. The fire doesn't seem to be spreading, but there are lots of oil tanks in the vicinity. If this turns out to be as big or bigger than the Halifax explosion, I'll let you know.

P.S. I don't own a camera, and FIRE! is where the fire is on the map (approximately 3.5 kilometers away).

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