Saturday, November 04, 2006

Union Brother

When I received my first pay cheque from Thomson House I noticed that one of the deductions was “union dues.” This made me wonder, was I in a union? I sat on this piece of information for a while and didn’t really do anything about it until tonight.

As I was eating dinner with one of my colleagues I asked about the union dues thing. He was able to fill me in on some of the details. It seems that the union is called the CSA, though I don’t know what the initials mean, and that many of the people that used to be on the executive are no longer employed at Thomson House.

The end result seems to be that even though the union is new, it is on a downswing. In particular, many of the part-timers (students) don’t really see much need for union representation and don’t feel that they have the time to give to union duties. On top of that they don’t feel abused.

I will likely learn a bit more at the November 12 union meeting. While these meetings are typically not well attended I hope to go. I am not really sure what to expect as the only member of the executive left is the secretary.

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