Sunday, November 26, 2006

A Few Quick Notes 24

-The dinner Nithum and I attended was quite pleasant. Instead of being the only American present I was surprised to learn that there were at least three more, at least two of whom the host had never meet before. From the library perspective, there was a librarian, a library director (not a librarian), a library student, and a few library users.

-Unfortunately today is rather overcast. According to the forecast we are not supposed to receive rain until this evening or early tonight. I guess this means that I won’t need to bring my coat when I go to the library shortly.

-A few days ago during a cataloging lab some of my female classmates were telling me about a film that they had watched in which one of the main characters had to learn the Dewey Decimal Classification system in a night. They watched this film at a “girls night” event. As I realized later, this was rather odd. The entire program is a “girls night” of sorts, at least 75% of the class is female.

-On my way to the library today I saw a dead squirrel in yard on the corner of Lorne and Prince Arthur. What is odd about this squirrel is that it looked like most live squirrels, its tail was fluffy, its paws outstretched. As a matter of fact it looked as though someone had frozen it mid-leap and placed in on the ground. The only odd characteristic was that its mouth seemed to have some kinds of dark material surrounding it. I couldn’t quite tell if this was dried blood or if the squirrel had been eating something akin to motor oil.

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