Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A Few Quick Notes 16

-The Gazette reported today that Montreal is well above average this year for the amount of rain it has received. As I have noted over the last few weeks, it did seem to be raining a fair bit.

-Today I attended an EndNote workshop at McGill. This was very informative. It seems that this program, and others like it, are a bit heavy on the start up time but useful in the long run. Fortunately McGill has a site license and I was able to download the program for free. It now seems to be up and running, I only need to start adding references, something that I don’t look forward to doing.

-Today in class we had a guest lecturer talk to use about freedom of expression and limitations of that freedom. Much of the talk focused on obscenity, hate propaganda, and child pornography. While I had hoped the focus would be on access to information and protection of privacy legislation this was thought provoking.

-Just got back from Thomson House. Though I had intended just to go with Val I ended up running into a few of my classmates, actually about 10 of them. It was nice to socialize with them outside the classroom setting. Discussion was a little freer regarding certain subjects.

-Another story in today’s Gazette was on the topic of industrial pollution in California. It turns out that the film production business is one of the largest pollution producers. The stars may come out to show their support for environmental causes but it would seem as though their industry is not as friendly as they are.

1 comment:

Neil said...

Has anyone mentioned BibTeX as an alternative to EndNote? I'm not a BibTeX star or anything and I know nothing about EndNote, but maybe someone else can tell me about the differences between them. To the best of my knowledge, BibTeX uses the typesetting program LaTeX to do footnotes and references efficiently and I believe BibTeX is free too.