Saturday, November 18, 2006

A Few Quick Notes 18

-For lunch today I had nachos with refried beans and extra onions. There were so many extra onions that I had to leave a few of them on my plate, which I left in my room when I went to class. I came back to find my room stinking like cheap onions.

-It seems that among many of the trendy McGill female types rain boots are in. This is once again a case of my being ahead of my time. As a child I was convinced that these were the best type of footwear, likely because they did not need tying. For what seems like years I wore nice black rubber boots as much as possible. Unfortunately, now that I am no longer in that habit it has come back and I have once again missed my chance to be cool.

-The Gazette was back at the gym today. I am now pretty certain that I was just a bit late yesterday.

-In this afternoon’s lab a classmate and I were having some fun with a citation index. After completing the assigned question we decided to play around a little more. A mutual field of interest happened to be our current professors. If you have access to an online citation index this can be an amusing way to spend a few minutes.

-After about two years I am finally updating my iPod. I will lose some music that I had on my old computer but gain much more.

-Horse (cheval) meat is on sale this week at one of my local grocery stores. The only format is ground horse meat, which is a bit of a richer red than beef. It is tempting. I think that I may buy some and try a horseburger, or maybe horse-nachos. I will keep you updated.

-I am just finishing off my last Hek 6.2% beer, this means another 24 will have to be picked up tomorrow. I am thinking I will give the PC beers a try, at least they will be cheap.


Neil said...

Horse meat? I think you're heading down a dangerous road there. You clearly didn't learn your lesson with the beans. I do have a question about the cheval though: Is it cheaper than cow or just cheaper than it usually is?

I bought some beer yesterday because it came with a mug. I am the proud owner of 10 full bottles of James Ready 5.5. I hadn't every heard of it before but the mug has a dragon on it, so I'm happy.

Cameron said...

It is currently the same price as ground beek is when it is on sale.

What is so dangerous about eating horse?

Neil said...

If you're doing it because you want to try the horse, go for it. If you just want cheap protein, there are other ways of getting it, even other than beans. In the long run you'd probably just be happier to spend the extra 30 cents on the beef.

Neil said...

It's pretty sweet that laws permit alcohol to be promoted by selling it with free stuff. I'm pretty sure there is a law against it to some extent in NL.