Monday, November 20, 2006

Get on with it, spite them already

For the past few days Mr. Dumas, from a distance of a few hundred years, has been stealing my time just like Danglars, Villefort, and Fernand stole that of Edmond Dantes.

What is frustrating about this books is its complete unwillingness to resolve itself. Within a relatively short number of pages Edmond is shown to be a great guy, wrongly sent to jail, and then escapes. Revenge is then this man’s mission in life.

Most of the book takes in place in Paris while Edmond is the Count of Monte Cristo, an unknown and unfathomably rich Italian gentleman. The reader is there as Edmond slowly sets up the downfall of all of the individuals that caused his imprisonment. The detail is painful, but as the reader one wants to see how the whole thing will resolve itself.

It is now making sense why many copies of the book, including mine, are abridged. This guy just goes on and on, though as indicated, I am still reading (unfortunately because I have school work that I could otherwise be focusing on).

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