Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The only thing better than watching corn grow is a dancing watermelon plant

In an attempt to be a little more original, I decided to try to film my watermelon plants last night, rathe than the corn. As you can see, these plants were a little more active than the corn. I have absolutely no idea why they keep going back and forth, though I presume that it has something to do with light.

Also, I should mention that this clip has a few effects that I did not mean for it to have, but don't have the time to change at the moment. Hopefully the damaged film effect won't be too bothersome.

[Embedded Video]

Cameron: 21
Neil: 0


Kathy said...

Keep up the good work. We may one day see your name in a film festival.

Cameron said...

That might be a bit of an over estimation of what is going on here.